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Mentored by “Directorate – General Environment, EUROPEAN COMISSION - PROGRAMA LIFE + WATER”, with file number “LIFE11 ENV/ES/552 BIOMOMI”. Through the consortium comprises by SERVYECO, FADRELL, RAPIFE, EWP, PASCUAL Y BERNABEU, and led by AITEX. With a budget of 1.425.368 €.
Objectives: The main objective of the project is to validate and demonstrate a new technology that allows real-time monitoring and quantifying aerobic microorganisms that are present in the water of a hydraulic system, and the subsequent correct and consistent dosing of a biocide optimization to minimize these microorganisms. Accordingly, improved management disinfection since the detection is continuous and can be performed at various points in the installation. Biocide dose will be optimized, reducing extra amounts and wastes, obtaining a more efficient and environmentally friendly process.
To validate this technology, a prototype will be built on an industrial scale and will be put into operation in Spanish companies with different hydraulic systems.