About Servyeco | Environmental Health


Thanks to a team of experts consisting of environmentalists, engineers, biologists and pharmacists, we are able to offer a comprehensive solution in the field of environmental health, ensuring public health and regulatory compliance without affecting the activities of our customers and adapting to their working conditions.


SERVYECO has the necessary registrations in the ROESB, necessary licenses to carry out disinfection and maintenance, certified laboratories and registered chemicals. We offer:

  • Legionella prevention
  • Quality control of indoor environmental
  • Pest control programs

  Environmental health activities SHOW MORE

Comprehensive programs for the prevention of legionellosis

  • Audit, Risk assessment of facilities and identification of critical points.
  • Custom design of a maintenance program installations risk from legionella, including developing the manual for recording operations according to regulations.
  • Predictive maintenance, preventive and corrective risk facilities maintenance. We have an online information system through which the customer can consult at any time and from anywhere (with internet) information relating to our services at their facilities.
  • Disinfection facilities risk.
  • Microbiological and physicochemical analytical controls in our certified by ENAC laboratory and registred by different Ministries of Health throughout the national territory.
  • Manufacture and supply of chemicals registered for the prevention of Legionella.
  • Technical solutions to the requirements of each installation.
  • Training approved by the Administration for personnel performing health/hygiene tasks for risk facilities of Legionella.



  Quality control of indoor environmental SHOW MORE


We offer studies related to the amount of pollution generated by the industry during all its combustion processes.We make detailed reports that help you control and see what corrective measures should be implemented to avoid environmental health problems that lead to sanctions by the administration. 

In addition, we have maintenance service for air conditioning circuits. This ensures that optimal conditions are always achieved and microbiological contamination that may cause diseases is avoided. 

Finally, our environmental inspection and analysis service will make it possible for you to control the state of the facilities and can decide which cleaning and disinfection system is the most appropriate for the channels, always promoting a healthy environment.


Quality control of indoor environmentalQuality control of indoor environmental
Our environmental quality control system is based on:
• Audit and identification of facilities and environmental sampling points.
• Evaluate the hygienic conditions of air conditioning systems.
• Perform a microbiological analysis of samples in our certified laboratories.
• Propose a series of corrective action options and report results.
• Preparation of a final report and follow-up of corrective actions.


  Pest control programs (Disinfection, Rat extermination and Fumigation) SHOW MORE

We offer a global solution in environmental health by steaming treatments, spraying, dipping, sublimation, circulation, dispersion, contact... against pathogens, insects and rodents.

Pest control programs:

  • Audit and identification of environmental risks
  • Programs: Disinfection, rat extermination and fumigation
  • Facilities maintenance program and risk
  • Submission of a final report and follow-up