Metals Removal: ADIMET

Metals Removal: ADIMET


ADIMET Series products  have been designed to act as high efficiency precipitating metals agents. The ADIMET Series precipitates metals, such as copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, cadmium, silver, lead, iron and mercury, through chelating and complexing processes. These products provide a proper precipitation of the contaminating metals from wastewater. The ADIMET products are applied when conventional physicochemical treatments, like formation of metallic hydroxides, are not able to remove the metals present in the wastewater. They are often used in the industrial wastewater treatment plants of diverse sectors with high concentration of metals as metal-mechanical industry or metal mining, among others.


•          Selection

ADIMET Series products are used in order to efficiently precipitate multivalent metal ions in wastewater (copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, cadmium, silver, lead, iron or mercury) through chelating and complexing processes.

•          Dosage

The liquid product can be applied directly to the wastewater or previously diluted. In both cases, the complexing/chelating efficiency is similar. It is highly recommended the later dosage of a polyacrylamide based flocculant in order to improve the floc formation.

•          Control

In order to determine the efficiency of metal pollutants removal, an equipment of analytical testing at laboratory scale is required. This system should be capable of determining the concentration (ppm) of problematic metal ions present in the wastewater and compare it with the concentration in treated water. Additionally, the redox potential is a control agent indicating the residual portion of the product, compared to the initial dose used.



•          Technical

The products of ADIMET Series present a partially stoichiometric reaction with soluble heavy metals in a wide range of pH and temperature. Quelating activity is based on the presence of a sulfur derivative, dithiocarbamates, and the synergy with other organic additives included in the product.

For that reason, both chemical processes must be taken into account and the removal efficiency of multivalent metallic ions is very high. Additionally, ADIMET Series products generate a smaller volume of sludge easily dewatering.

•          Economics

ADIMET Series products form an insoluble precipitate with multivalent metals, both complexed and chelated. This precipitate can be removed by filtration to management or recovery.

Sludge removal is an important factor to take into account in precipitating metals from wastewater. These products produce lower sludge weight and much smaller volume than the standard treatments with hydroxide or sulfide precipitation. Thus, the costs derived from sludge management are considerably reduced.

Because of its removal efficiency in a wide range of pH and temperature, the ADIMET Series products entail cost benefits associated with the doses and types of chemicals used, ensuring proper treatment of wastewater and avoiding possible additional management costs.