Odor Treatment
Unpleasant odors are attached in many cases to the wastewater treatment, because the degradation of organic matter under anaerobic conditions. This process may cause the formation of methane and, if there is a sulfate source or sulfate-reducing bacteria proliferation, sulfur derivatives appear as well as hydrogen sulfide.
In wastewater treatment plants and collection lines, operation of bacterial populations is determined by the final electron acceptor available for metabolic system. The type of electron acceptor determines whether an environment is under aerobic, anoxic or anaerobic conditions and determine, at last, the type of bacterial population that dominate the medium, due to the amount of energy the microorganisms can get from various acceptors.
Therefore, in an anaerobic environment the activity of sulfate reducing bacteria is predominant, generating hydrogen sulfide. But when in this environment oxygen is introduced with any of the products developed by Servyeco, the sulfate reduction is inhibited quickly and the dominant bacterial activity moves to those populations which are able to exploit the new medium more effectively.
In this sense, the ECOBAC Series products are presented as an effective, safe and economic alternative to the classical treatments of odor removal, like oxidizing compounds such as hydroxide peroxide, chlorine dioxide or potassium permanganate, among others.
A second range of products, ECOSULF series, whose function is to fix emissions of odor producing gases such as hydrogen sulphide, are also available.
• Selection
A wide range of products depending on the cause of odor problems is available. Our products combine bacterial action of their components with the use of deodorants that leave a pleasant smell in the point of application.
• Dosage
They are liquid products to be applied directly with the use of dosing pumps, allowing its dissolution in water. The application should be carried out in pools of water, pipes, septic tanks, chemical physical treatment plants or biological reactors, among others. It could be dosed directly on the effluent or sprayed out on the surface if the production of odors is identified in a specific place.
• Control
The effectiveness of these products is demonstrated by the disappearance or reduction of the original odors.
Additionally, by microscopic study of the water the evolution of bacterial species can be evaluated in order to ensure the sulfate-reducing anaerobic bacteria reduction.
• Technical
The odors emission due to some irritating or toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide or methane can affect any stage of the process and cause alterations in the quality of commercial products.
The elimination of the odor in industries entails a reduction of the environmental impact and significantly improves the social image.
• Economic
Presented products are an efficient, safe and economic alternative to the classical treatments of odor removal, like oxidizing compounds such as hydroxide peroxide, chlorine dioxide or potassium permanganate, among others. Standard treatments cause the facilities deterioration by oxidation processes and, accordingly, in the absence of these oxidants the maintenance costs of the facilities are considerably reduced.
The elimination or reduction of anaerobic bacteria that proliferate in the absence of oxygen environments, reduce the production of acid metabolic intermediates such as hydrogen sulphide or mercaptans. These species are responsible of the corrosion in the facilities and also produce the known odors. Additionally, the emission of odors in the industry can bring a lot of social pressure of the adjacent neighbourhood, which can cause even a financial penalty.