Public sector
Publics buildings
This group includes hospitals, universities, colleges, ports, town halls, nurseries, geriatrics, penitentiary centers and airports. Due to their size and diversity, is necessary to know their requirements in order to extend the lifetime of facilities and to guarantee the quality to the daily users.
The products we offer in these facilities are:
Chemical products supply: (antifouling and anticorrosive OSMOTEC, descaling INCUTEC D50, odor removals ECOSULF)
Control and prevention program of legionellosis according to RD 865/2003
Controls of indoor atmospheres to guarantee the air quality in offices, laboratories, dinning-rooms according to UNE 100012:2005
Installation of biocide control and dosage systems guarantee water quality
The pools are very costly for municipalities both on management and on maintenance. Sensity of users to poor maintenance and management of hazardous chemicals make that customers trust in SERVYECO due to our expertise and experience to manage this type of facilities.
The services we offer are:
Supply of chemical products for the treatment of pool water (biocides in chlorine based, in tablets, defoamers, flocculants, algaecide…
Preventive and corrective maintenances of facilities through integral software.
Analytical quality controls water, atmosphere and surfaces of facilities to ensure good conditions.
Energy efficiency studies for reducing installation costs.
Ornamental fountains
Ornamental fountains decorate our surroundings in cities. Maintenance and cleaning are vital to improve the image of the city and the uniqueness of the monument and the water quality for the conservation of the monument and enjoy for people who contemplate.
Services on which we work are:
Supply of chemical products for the treatment of source water
Programs Control and prevention of legionellosis
Preventive and corrective maintenances of facilities through integral software.
Analytical water quality controls
Installation of equipment disinfection and filtration, automated guarantee the quality of source water
Urban wastewater treatment plant
The concentration of population in cities has produced that municipalities generate a large amount of wastewater and it must be purified for later disposal or reuse.
SERVYECO acts on these facilities by:
Supply of chemicals for water treatment and sludge dewatering. ECOTEC, ECOMIX and ECOTAN coagulants series, ECOPOL flocculants series, ECOCIDE biocide and odor eliminator series ECOSULF.
Analytical controls pouring water quality.
Analytical controls of different water treatment processes to check their performance.
Preventive and corrective maintenance of the treatment plant.
Design engineering installation or modification.
Water treatment plant
High demand for water in cities and the need to maintain a good quality, requires pretreatment of water before consumption.
SERVYECO acts on these facilities by:
Supply of chemicals for water purification catchment.
Analytical controls quality of drinking water
Preventive and corrective maintenance of the water treatment.
Installation of automatic control equipment and dosing of biocides to ensure water quality.
Design engineering installation or modification
Overexploitation of aquifers has caused in the coastal areas aquifers are salinated by seawater intrusion and measures to be taken to supply water to these coastal areas for consumption. To condition the water before consumption desalination plants they have been installed along the shorelines.
SERVYECO works by applying:
Supply of chemical products for desalination of seawater
Analytical controls quality of drinking water.
Preventive and corrective maintenance of desalination plants.
Installation of automatic control equipment and metering of biocides and antifouling to ensure water quality.
Design engineering installation or modification.