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Developed Projects  |  2003 – 2005 → Development of Innovative Technology for Eliminating Organic and Boron-based Pollutants in Industrial Wastewater of the Ceramics Sector and Related Industries


Mentored by “Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial (CDTI)”, in “Programa Operativo Integral FEDER FSE de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación”,  with file number “30356”.

Results obtained: Developing a technology that allows the reduction of pollution load in wastewater generated in the ceramic and related sector. Launch of a new line of synthetic coagulants performing on the reduction of colloidal organic matter load and the usual boracic components in the sector. Currently these coagulants have a high market share.

In addition, as a result of work in experimental pilot plants, positive results were obtained in plants of boron removal being exported to different sectors.